Formal Methods in
Computer-Aided Design
October 23-27, 2023
Ames, Iowa, USA

Venue, Travel & Accommodation


Reiman Gardens is a living garden … always changing, adapting, evolving with the seasons and with its annual theme. It’s a natural, sustainable canvas that landscape and horticultural artists constantly reinvent.

For additional information about directions and map please check this link at thier website (https://www.reimangardens.com/plan-your-visit/admissions-directions/).

Spirits in the gardens event

We are pleased to introduce an auxiliary pre-conference event taking place in the vicinity of the conference (Reiman Gardens) on the evening of October 22, offering attendees an optional activity. For additonal information please check the link: https://www.reimangardens.com/events-programs/spirits/

Please be aware that participation in this additional event requires the purchase of a separate ticket.


By plane

The closest airport is DSM.

How to get from the airport to Ames:

By car

For detailed driving directions to Ames you can use google-maps or any other navigation app.

Local transportation

We do not recommend on taking a taxi in Ames. This is a less favorable option around Ames, you can use other local transportation options. You can alwasys walk or take\rental a bike.


Ames has a city bus system called CyRide.

You can use the real-time bus prediction service called MyRide.

For routes, timetables, fares and more information, call 515-292-1100 or visit www.cyride.com.

Ride share

If you need a door-to-door ride you can use uber or lyft.


You can rent a car, either at the airport or in Ames.


We recommend on booking at the Gateway hotel, it is the closest (1 mile from the conference venue), and it is the only one that will have transportation (shuttles) to events. You can find direct link to online booking here.

For other sleeping arrangements you could check this options: